1. A portable crib canopy to create a sleep pod for your little one. And it even has pouches for a monitor and fan! Sleeping in unfamiliar places is tough enough for adults. Let's make it easier for the kids too — which in turn will also make the adults happier. 

SlumberPod is a small biz that's been featured on Shark Tank!

Promising review: "We took a 10-day road trip stopping in all different locations with my 18-month-old. Such an game changer! No stress at all as to where or how he would nap! He slept great everywhere and I didn’t have to do my usual blackout shade where I’m trying to make shades on the fly everywhere we went like we had to do with my other two when they were little. Do a test run setting it up before you travel. It’s not terribly hard but the first attempt needs some extra time. The tent runs warm so make sure your child is wearing light breathable clothes is the room is 68 or above. My son wore just a short sleeve onesie and a light sleep sack and was still warm with the room temp 68. I cracked the window to make it a lot cooler in the room he slept in since we didn’t do the whole fan attachment thing." —jillyb

Get it from Amazon for $179.99.

2. A pack of LeakLocks Toiletry Skins you can slip onto the tops of your full-size toiletries because, yay, you don't have to worry about liquid toiletry limits on a road trip! These little things catch any spills before they can get all over your PJs you threw in the same bag with your full-size shampoo. 

Rinseroo is a small business specializing in problem-solving cleaning, pet, and travel products. 

Promising review: "I used these on my travel toiletries on a month-long road trip. On several occasions, the toiletry lids opened, but none of the product leaked out of the toiletry skins. I was even able to pour the leaked shampoo back into the bottle. I rinsed out the skin and placed it back on for the next leg of my journey. These are my new travel must-haves." —Tyson Mohr

Get a four-pack from Amazon for $11.99 (also available in an eight-pack). 

3. A set of Sea Bands with a little nub that targets the acupuncture point on your wrists meant to help reduce nausea. This'll be great in case you or anyone in your travel group tends to get a bit car sick. 

Read more about acupressure and nausea at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

Promising review: "These Sea-Band Anti-nausea wristbands really work! I suffer terribly from car sickness and sea sickness. I put these on before starting a trip and never have to worry about motion sickness. Road trips are much more enjoyable." —Lynda

Get a set of two from Amazon for $8.48.

4. A 90-piece road emergency kit in case you'd rather not do the math on all the potential stuff you might need during your cross-country adventure.  


Promising review: "This kit has everything you need. We bought it before going on a road trip. We had a chance to use the jumper cables when our friend's car died. They worked perfectly. They are quality cables and do not get hot to the touch." —Customer

Get it from Amazon for $89.99.

5. A travel urinal with reviews that show the proof is in the pudding because there are lots of reviewers who were former skeptics 'til they experienced some pee emergencies that this helped solve. 


Promising review: "I laughed at my wife after she bought this, but definitely saved us on a road trip a few times. Pretty good product that you never hope to use, but you're glad if you have it." —Robert D.

Get it from Amazon for $9.99.

6. A stroller fan with bendable foam legs for wrapping around a stroller, car seat, or pretty much anything to keep your lil' munchkin cool as a cucumber, even when it's a gazillion degrees outside.

Promising review: "We bought this for a road trip with our little one, who is still rear facing — it was perfect! We knew the seat was warm from just driving around town and wanted to make sure it was comfortable for a long drive. It kept it cool, isn’t loud, and love that we could plug it in vs. only the battery. We use it regularly in town now, too." —K Maddock

Get it from Amazon for $29.99 (available in three colors).

7. A pair of low-key seat gap fillers you may have eyed on Shark Tank and wished you'd invented them yourself because think of all the french fries you could've saved from the floor. 

Drop Stop is a small business that specializes in car accessories. 

Promising review: "These look and feel as described and stay in place REALLY well. I have been impressed how they don't move virtually at all in my Prius no matter how much we do in the car on road trips. It is nice for me to sweep all the crumbs, dirt, etc., off of it onto my floor mat instead of it all gathering beside the seat to have to dig out later." —Crow Mike

Get two from Amazon for $22.99.

8. hands-free (rotating!) phone mount that most reviewers tend to like for air travel, BUT also call out as a great road trip essential for watching what you want where you want. 

Perilogics is a small biz that specializes in tech-oriented travel products and backpacks.

Promising review: "There were a ton of reviews/pictures to show this phone holder definitely works on airplanes. I needed it for a road trip, though, and it hooked up in the car perfectly to watch movies on the passenger side. Much better than holding the phone for two hours!" —Tiffany

Get it from Amazon for $12.97 (available in three colors). 

9. A pair of handheld water games that'll make for some excellent solo fun without a ton of distracting noise. 


Promising review: "Electronic-free toddler travel entertainment. Bought these for road trip across the US. Our 3-year-old loved them and still plays with them now that we are home." —katie

Get them from Amazon for $14.99.

10. A portable blackout curtain can suction onto your vacation stay's window to give you some deep DEEP darkness you need for sleeping. 

Promising review: "Purchased before the start of a road trip with a 2-year-old. Lightweight and easy to pack. We wanted something that could block out light for the little guy when he napped at hotels. Product was super easy to set up and worked great for the whole family. Mommy and Daddy dig it, can you?" —Joshua Fallin

Get it from Amazon for $31.76 (available in 10 designs).

11. Tangram, a travel-friendly educational puzzle game book with magnetic jigsaw pieces that kids can use to match the printed shapes in the book. 


Recommended for 3+.

Promising review: "We have been taking some long road trips with smaller kids. Got this for my 6-year-old for a fidget toy in the car. It's got different shapes that can be made and can be closed up with all the pieces in it. My 3-year-old likes to play with it too, even if she's not making the actual shapes!" —eksh

Get it from Amazon for $13.99.

12. An I Spy travel card game to help pass the time in the car. Time to go dog-spotting.


Recommended for 4+.

Promising review: "This was SO GREAT for a road trip with our 7-year-old. It stays in the car now and prevents the need for a screen (without complaining) the entire trip." —Jen Casellius I The Natural Life

Get it from Amazon for $6.99.

13. An on-the-go Gillette razor that'll spare you some precious space in your bag without sacrificing quality. You already plotted your road trip around visiting a bunch of antique malls, so you could use the trunk space for all your cool finds! 


It comes with one handle and one blade refill!

Promising review: "I love this product. After receiving it I made a road trip to Mexico and I took my razor. It's the cutest thing ever. The box helps keep your clothes safe from the blades and it fits everywhere you put it. I will buy another one for sure" —Dalia

Get it from Amazon for $9.99.

14. A pack of toilet seat covers can create a (colorful) barrier between your toddler's curious hands and public toilet seats at rest stops. 

Promising review: "Got these for a family cross-country road trip. Glad we did! Worked great for the kids at questionable stops. It says not to flush them. We had to once because of a kid with stomach pains and that was our only option…. Yea. Otherwise, avoid flushing. But they worked as advertised. Well, except the tape part, we didn’t realize until after our trip that they could stick to the seat, so apparently they work well even without doing that part." —AmazonFrequentFlyer

Get a pack of 24 covers from Amazon for $9.99.

15. A highly portable Boggle game you can even play solo if you just need to shut yourself in the hotel bathroom for a little alone time. 

Recommended for 8+.

Promising review: "This has been a treasured game in my family for over 35 years. I wanted to buy one for my kids while we were on a road trip. The pieces can still get lost if they're not careful, but the quality is still great! Bring your own paper and pencils, and the kids and you will have fun building words!" —By the sea

Get it from Amazon for $10.24.

16. An *very popular* off-the-shoulder jumpsuit suited for just about any sightseeing needs. But it'd also make an incredibly comfy riding outfit so you'll get a number of wears out of it on one trip. 

FYI, if you have Amazon Prime, you can give this a spin before you buy it!

Promising reviews: "It is the most comfortable outfit that you could dress up or down! You could actually wear it with both on the shoulders too. I wore this for a road trip back home from the beach, and it was amazing. The only thing is if you are in a bit of cold weather and have anything else on, you have to take it off to go to the bathroom ;) But it’s all worth it!" —Amazon Customer

Get it from Amazon for $37.99 (available in sizes S–3X and 31 colors/patterns). 

17. A clear TSA-approved toiletry bag so you can Lego-fit all your liquid and spreadable bbs in there with ease. No, you aren't going through TSA on your road trip, but if you need a new toiletry bag, this'll do the trick for this trip and many MANY more. 


Promising review: "This little bag is amazing. I can fit so many tiny 3 oz bottles in there due to its shape. I've started using it for road trips, just separating out liquids into their own little bag. This one item has changed the way I travel for my short trips. I just need a duffel bag. I love this bag. I am very high maintenance, extra, all of that. But, this guy lets me take my handmade deodorant, my facial oils, my gentle cleansers, lotion, lip balm, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, toothpaste, mascara; all travel sized, but still! No looking for my things. So organized." —Mittens

Get it from Amazon for $13.99 (available in 11 colors).

18. A soft faux-leather tote will be the perfect bag to throw all your I-need-this-as-a-passenger-princess items so you don't have to make the driver pull over and then dig through the trunk for your phone charger. 

Promising review: "Bought this to put what I needed in the car on a road trip. Exactly what I needed! I was able to fit so much in it yet it doesn’t look bulky, and still have so much room!" —XMusicislife

Get it from Amazon for $11.99+ (available in a variety of colors and two sizes).

19. A set of compression bags if you could use any and every extra bit of space while on the road. They'll also be great to separate out dirty clothes on your way back home. 

And they come with a hand pump for travel!

Promising review: "They came in handy when having to pack for a long road trip! We were so happy with how much space they saved." —Annie W.

Get a pack of five from Amazon for $22.99+ (also available in a ten-pack and in five bag sizes).

20. Or a collection of compression packing cubes you can use over and over again without having to remember to pack a pump for sucking out the air.

Promising review: "I fell in love with these. Being a packing super freak who likes to separate everything neatly, these are the perfect helper! I took them with me on a 10-day road trip and used them to unpack and pack every day, and they are good as new." —Yujing Wang

Get a pack of six from Amazon for $25.99+ (available in 20 size/color combinations).

21. Or if you prefer regular packing cubes but need to see what's inside, a five-pack of packing cubes with mesh tops to help you separate everyone's clothes into different cubes while still making the most of your space. 

Shacke is a small biz specializing in travel gear and accessories.

Promising review: "I hesitated to spend money on packing cubes but I'm so glad I purchased this product. I used them in a three week road trip and my luggage stayed organized and neat. I easily could find the clothing I needed and pack and unpack quickly. This product was a good investment for us!" —Amazon Customer

Get them from Amazon for $19.79 (available in 10 colors).

22. A portable door lock that'll attach to any regular old door for your budget-friendly hotel, vacation rental, room in a guest house, or, well, just any door. It's super easy to install and won't damage the door. It'll be a comfort for solo travelers, especially. 

Promising review: "Took this on a road trip and it was wonderful to have peace of mind. Definitely recommend for solo trips especially!" —Pen name

Get it from Amazon for $14.99.

23. bendy travel pillow for helping you sit upright in the most awkward of positions, especially once everyone moves around in the car and you're in a less comfy seat. 


Promising review: "I used this travel pillow for car rides. We recently went on a long road trip and this was so nice and comfy to have as I can adjust it in whatever way is comfortable during those long travels in the car." —MRob

Get it from Amazon for $24.99+ (available in six colors).

24. A budget-friendly portable white-noise machine to help drown out all the unfamiliar noises and help your baby travel to Dreamland even faster. (Oh, and adults talk about how it helps them in the reviews, too.)


Promising review: "We took it on a long road/camping trip, and it was awesome. Didn't have to leave our phones by the baby or have an echo connected to wifi for some white noise. The battery never ran out, and we ran it all night and for several naps for at least a week and a half. It was great!" —Soren Lewis

Get it from Amazon for $19.95.

25. A Montessori busy board with all kinds of interactive elements like zippers, buttons, laces, and buckles can keep little hands occupied. Plus it has handles so you can easily fold it up and take it on the go.

Promising review: "Purchased this for my 1.5-year-old who loves to try and buckle anything and everything. The only problem we've had is that she can't get things unbuckled once she buckles! ... Big sister to the rescue! Our 3.5-year-old jumps in to help, so it's been a great toy for the two of them to play with together on road trips." —Merritt P.

Get it from Amazon for $15.99+ (available in seven colors).

26. An LCD writing tablet that'll help occupy kids' time in a car or plane as they practice their numbers and letters. 

Promising review: "I love the writing tablet! Travel is the best when you travel 1500 miles to see family. No more messes. Easy to use for all ages. Good quality and a bargain purchase. So glad I purchased this item just in time for the road trip!" —Michael C. Larkin

Get it from Amazon for $19.99.

27. A backseat car organizer with eight large pockets can keep a hold on tablets at your kid's eye level and give you a place to keep all the random things required for a mere hour-long road trip. 

Promising review: "Love this! I got it for our road trip and it’s so nice to have this for extra room and to hold my sons cups and other things of mine as well!" —Jackie Cooper

Get it from Amazon for $11.99.

28. Or if you're a little more of a minimalist, some protective kick mats because no matter how many times you say "Stop kicking!" your kids will keep on doing it like it's their job.

Promising review: "Those are perfect for what I needed, not too many compartments, just enough for storage road trip/ daily essentials. Most storage kick mats have way too many compartments, which make them look really messy and sloppy, in my opinion." —Mamabear2014

Get two from Amazon for $12.99.

29. Plus a kids' travel table to turn your backseat into a one-stop shop for road-trip entertainment. It has a tablet viewing stand, cup holder, dry-erase board that doubles as an eating tray, and storage pockets for pens and toys.


Promising review: "These guys are doing themselves a disservice by calling this a kid's travel tray. I almost didn't buy it because I thought it would be too small or flimsy, but I'm glad I gave it a shot. I like to have a lap desk when we go on road trips as I do the navigation, picking the restaurants, hotel, roadside attractions, etc. My previous one was falling apart so I stumbled across this and it's way better than a simple lap desk with pockets for pencils, brochures, napkins, whatever; plus a place to put my beverage if my husband is hogging the cupholders! And the little strap to keep the kids from knocking it to the floor makes a great shoulder strap when loading up our travel items." —Soozzone

Get it from Amazon for $26.99.

30. An inflatable toddler travel bed with bumpers for keeping kids who are past their pack 'n' play stage from rolling out of bed. And! You'll get to have the hotel bed to yourself. 

Promising review: "I just love this bed. We bought it for our then 2- now 3- year-old little boy. Sometimes we travel to hotels with double beds, but he still would fall out if he wasn't sleeping in between his dad and me, so I got this. We take it EVERY SINGLE TIME we road trip somewhere. We bought it in June, it's now December, and I know we've used it at least five times already. We're currently on a trip that had a pull-out bed, and I asked him if he wanted to sleep in the bed with his big brother, and he responded, I want my little Paw Patrol bed, please! (He travels with a Paw Patrol blanket). So he slept in his travel bed, and his brother got the pull out to himself! I highly recommend it! The blower is a lil loud and sounds like it's gonna burn out at any minute, but it works! Lol" —Sam's wife

Get it from Amazon for $74.92.

31. Plus an inflatable bath tub that'll be a godsend for the hotel tub — or a hotel room that *just* has a shower. But reviewers love it for home use, too!

Promising review: "We have used this inflatable tub for months if not years. Lol. Us used it outside during the summer months for play time, we have used in our bathtub as it was easier to fill and wash baby instead in a huge tub. We’ve also taken it with us on road trips to use as family members houses or hotels. For the price you cannot go wrong!" —Amazon Customer

 Get it from Amazon for $39.75.

32. A waterproof trash can to corral your family's mess on road trips...also just on the reg because it's a little wild how much trash you can accumulate just from a full, normal day's worth of getting from one point to another. 


Promising review: "So glad I got this thing. Purchased just before a big road trip. Offers useful fuction to an otherwise empty space never used." —Jonathan Bowman

Get it from Amazon for $9.99+ (also available in a larger size with a lid).

33. A pack of spill-proof Munchkin snack catchers will keep the Cheerios where they should be, either in the container or into your kid's mouth...not all over your backseat's floor. 

Promising review: "I ordered these over a year ago, and they are still holding up great! They are not 100% spill proof, but nothing really is for a toddler. Very convenient for road trips!" —Matt and Cassi

Get a pack of two from Amazon for $5.95 (available in two color combos).

34. Plus, a travel tray that'll hold a drink and food, and fits into a car seat or stroller cup holder. Maybe it'll contain the mess. Just a little bit. 

Travel Tray is a small biz specializing in this product. 

Promising review: "I bought these for our road trip, and they worked very well. They come with additional cups and rubber bands in order to help fit them to different sized car seats. My kids loved them, and it helped keep their food in one spot, providing easy access and clean up! Would buy again." —Adina Richardson

Get it from Amazon for $16.99 (available in seven colors). 

35. scented bag dispenser that'll easily clip onto your diaper bag so you can more easily dispose of stinky diapers. They have baking soda and a lavender scent to help with the odor situation. 

Promising review: "Best. Buy. Ever! Recently went on my first road trip with my baby and these were pretty handy. The scent is so strong you can't smell the dirty diapers. It clips onto the diaper bag and isn't in the way or something else packed inside." —amber jo nicole mason

Get it from Amazon for $4.99.

36. A pack of Melissa & Doug Reusable Water-Reveal Activity Pads with pens that you can fill with water and then be used to "color" in the pads over and over again. No more worrying about messy crayons or markers. 

Promising review: "My family and I went on a 27-hour road trip for the Christmas holiday. Needless to say I was a bit anxious over the idea of traveling with a 4-, 2-, and 1-year-old. These things were a life saver! I had bought quite a few other activities for them to do, but they kept returning to these. I love that there is no clean up, and they are reusable. I also thought the pen storage was a really nifty idea. The pages are a thick chipboard-like material so that there is no water leakage between pages. We still use these- Sometimes, I pull them out while I'm getting dinner ready and it keeps them occupied." —Dina

Get a pack of three from Amazon for $17.76.

37. A travel scarf with hidden storage in it to keep your hands free for toting back ALL the gas station snacks to the car without having to stick your phone, wallet, and keys in your back pocket. 


Waypoint Goods is a small biz that specializes in travel accessories. 

Promising review: "I absolutely LOVE my travel scarf. This piece is perfect for every occasion. Whether I am traveling on a plane or a road trip, at work, or trying to dress up an outfit to go out, it is perfect and functional. My phone, credit cards and keys fit seamlessly in the pocket without changing the look or fit of my scarf. At times I have put all of that plus a boarding pass and passport in the pocket!!" —Caroline

Get it from Amazon for $18.95+ (available in 14 styles).

38. A super roomy duffel bag that's durable enough to toss around from home to car trunk to bus to wherever. It's water-resistant and can hook onto a rolling stuitcase. And if you take a last-min dip into the lake at that picturesque lake house your pal's aunt owns? Np. You can put your wet swimsuit in one of the separating compartments. 

It's water-resistant and has an adjustable long strap.

Promising review: "Nice bag! I bought this for a road trip. It more than served its purpose. I could fit tons of things in it. I love the waterproof section for toiletries. I didn’t have to worry about my clothes getting ruined if something leaked. I would highly recommend this." —Joanne

Get it from Amazon for $21.49+ (available in five colors).

39. steering-wheel table you *could* use for your laptop OR for an impromptu gourmet feast. Maybe both. You have range!

Promising review: "This thing is a road trip must-have!! I can not explain how easy this makes life. I've legit had people knock on my car window to ask where I got it." —jameelee123

Get it from Amazon for $13.97.

40. And a double-dipping clip can hang onto your car vent to keep your sauces upright instead of tipping over onto your seats.

3DPrintedByBrian / Etsy

Promising review: "Fantastic for road trips! Highly recommend!" —Nicholas Davis

Get it from 3DPrintedByBrian on Etsy for $5+ (available in single or double).

41. A lidded trunk organizer to put SO MUCH into. Finally, you you'll tidy up your vehicle by just tossing junk in here without displaying its contents to the world!

Promising review: "We brought this on our honeymoon road trip and it was awesome! It was inconspicuous enough that we weren’t worried about leaving it in the car at night when we checked into a hotel. It held more than enough snacks, paper plates, utensils, Clorox wipes, and even a few of our souvenirs!" —Jacqueline Nieves

Get it from Amazon for $25.99.

42. A memory foam seat cushion with an ergonomic design and gel layer for cradling your behind while you're off to your next adventure. After all, you don't want a sore behind once you get to your destination. 

Lots of reviewers who drive for a living rave about it. 

Promising review: "I have tried many chair and car cushions that didn’t help me. This one did help. I took a five-hour road trip, and I had no tailbone or back pain when I arrived! Would recommend!" —Adrienne Jones

Get it from Amazon for $36.76 (available in three color combos).

43. Or a versatile cushion that can be used as a seat cushion or for lumbar support. 


Promising review: "Took a two-week road trip on my Tacoma, and it’s not the most comfortable seats. I drove for 50+ hours, and my girlfriend and I ended up ordering a second one for the passenger side. A little weird to get used to, but there’s no way we could’ve done it without this pad." —Amazon Customer

Get it from Amazon for $23.99

44. An expandable cup holder so your actual child-size soda from the drive-thru can snugly fit without a spill while you show the yellow light who's boss.

@toponlinefinds / Via, Amazon

It has an expandable base of 2.5-3.75-inch diameters which can fit most 32- to 40-oz bottles and in 3.4-3.8-inch diameter cup holders.

Promising review: "During our road trips, my wife and I drink lots of water in oversized bottles. These containers fit tightly in our cup holders. They are well-made and attractive. What’s not to like?" —Pick Flick

Get it from Amazon for $22.99 (available in three colors).

45. Or a cupholder adapter with a slit that'll fit in your coffee mug handle to prevent coffee from going everywhere.

Promising review: "This adapter has been so handy for the many road trips we've been on since we purchased it. Now I don't have to worry about balancing my Hydroflask in between my legs or on the floorboard for the duration of the trip! My 40-ounce fits perfectly in this holder's largest size. I'm definitely really happy I got this, especially since it ensures I can keep meeting my hydration goals even when traveling." —Erica

Get it from Amazon for $16.95.

46. A pet-proof seat cover to help the inside of your car from turning into a tornado of pet fur. It also catches sand and dirt too. So that's good news.

Promising review: "Went on a road trip this weekend and was so thankful to have this cover! Was able to see how much shedding took place AND saved our seat from a car sickness episode!!" —GSD Mom

Get it from Amazon for $36.96 (available in four colors).

47. A stroller that'll fold up and fit in the overhead on a plane BUT will also come in handy on a road trip! 

It folds up so small that it was awarded a Guinness World Record in 2014 for the most compact stroller. It can hold kids who weigh up to 55 pounds and the stroller only weighs 9.5 pounds.

Promising review: "100% the most crucial item that we took on our 3-week trip to Europe with our 2-year-old. The wheels lock to maneuver uneven surfaces, and it’s super light weight. Buy a backpack style bag for it. You can also buy a cup holder attachment. Being able to put it in the overhead compartment on the plane was a game changer. No more waiting at the gate for a checked stroller or worse, having it sent with your luggage. Takes just a little practice folding up, and sometimes a little elbow grease but put your weight into it and you’ll get it." —Kesley

Get it from Amazon for $199.95+ (available in two styles and two colors).

Filling up on fast food and gas station snacks like:

Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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