1. A waterproof Kindle for all you bookworms who love to read any chance you get. Instead of carrying a few of your favorite novels with you (ugh, heavvvvvy), just take this handy device that can hold all the books you can dream of! Oh and guess what? It has up to *10 weeks* of battery life and adjustable warm light!

www.amazon.com, Abby Kass / BuzzFeed

HuffPost Shopping writer Haley Zovickian says her Kindle has "revolutionized" her life: "I love mine for so many reasons — it's truly helped me incorporate my love of reading into my often hectic life, and all my titles literally live inside of this half-pound wonder gadget, so I can switch between books super easily. For traveling, this is a literal dream. I don't have to pick between titles and then regret the entire trip that I didn't bring the one I left at home — and, as any book lover knows, traveling with books is heavy as hell, and the Kindle literally completely eliminates that weight. Traveling will never be the same for me." 

Promising review: "I LOVE reading and being able to access a book anywhere with this thing. It is easy to navigate, very easy to read and adjust the brightness or how warm the light is. It doesn't auto adjust, but I don't need that feature. I've read in bright sunlight to dark rooms, and it's always been so clear. You can adjust the font and use the library to search whatever books you want. Makes packing books for traveling very easy." —R@L0

Get the 16GB version from Amazon for $149.99+ (available in three colors, and with or without ads).

2. A set of travel compression cubes so you can maximize space inside your carry-on — when you're done packing clothes, just zip up each cube to squeeze out excess air! These are also handy for separating your shirts, pants, undies (you get the idea) *or* grouping pre-planned outfits together, so it's an organization hack too.

Promising review: "Must-have traveling accessory. Best way to pack a suitcase! I’ll never go back to stuffing everything in on its own. These compartments held way more than I imagined and kept me organized. I will definitely add more to my collection. Makes a great gift for frequent travelers too!" —Lisa

Get them from Amazon for $18.95+ (available in 11 styles and in packs of two, three, or six).

3. A shoe bag because there's nothing worse than opening your bag to see dirt all over your brand-new vacation dress. It'll keep at least three pairs of shoes compact (some reviewers say it can fit five!) instead of rolling around in your carry-on taking up unnecessary space.  

Promising review: "You can totally fit three pairs of shoes in this! (Size 6.5 women's shoe, fit heels, wedges, and sandals.) I bought two and will absolutely be buying more for my husband. 10/10 would recommend! I travel frequently, and I always overpack; this helped cut down space and stress immensely!" —Taylor

Get it from Amazon for $22.99 (available in nine colors and patterns). 

4. Some Tide sink packets if you need take your clothes for a wash but don't want to buy a gigantic jug of detergent that's probably going to end up in the trash or left behind. Plus, you'll be able to rewear your outfits several times so you won't have to pack as many!


Each pack comes with three packets, and they're tiny enough to easily slide into the side of any toiletry bag. 

Promising review: "I have taken these packets on travels worldwide. They are small and fit in my bag. They are good for a wash in a sink or wash bag. Glad to have them. They don't leak either." —Barbara Jefferson

Get nine packs from Amazon for $7.60.

5. And a tried-and-true Tide stain-removing pen for your little ~oopsies~ when you don't have a washing machine on standby. Plus, it's so tiny you'll be able to fit it into any bag, even if you swear you have literally no room left.

Promising review: "This amazing little stain stick can save the day! It is easy to use and provides amazing results. I keep one in my purse, in a suitcase when traveling, and in the car. Those last minute stains or spots discovered too late almost always can be removed. I have used it on fine fabrics with no damage and quick results." —VV

Get it from Amazon for $2.97.

6. A jewelry organizer to bring all your bling because it's not a vacation without it! You'll be able to transport all your fave bracelets, earrings, necklaces, and rings, with a dedicated spot for each item. Plus, this takes up a heck of a lot less space compared to jewelry boxes and helps prevent tangling. 

Promising review: "Best jewelry travel pouch ever. Plenty of room for all my travel jewelry needs. Half the size of previous pouches I have tried and holds more than any of them." —T Rex Mom

Get it from Amazon for $15.99+ (available in two sizes and 12 colors).

7. A sturdy, lightweight eight-compartment pill organizer so you can bring your medication with you on the go — without the bulkiness of the bottles. It comes with eight compartments so you can carry your daily and emergency pills in here. Runny nose? Upset stomach? Headache? Have no fear, your meds are here! 

Promising review: "My husband and I travel a lot and take a number of prescription drugs. It was always a hassle accessing our medication when needed, so I purchased this organizer to make things easier. I used a label maker and labeled each little compartment and it has performed wonderfully. I highly recommend this organizer to anyone who travels and needs medications throughout the day." —Jacqueline

Get a three-pack from Amazon for $8.97 (available in two color combos).

8. wireless portable charger because having a dead phone is just such a pain in the *you know what* — especially when you're not in the comfort of your home. Instead of packing those massive power banks, just toss this tiny but mighty lipstick-size charger into your bag!

Promising review: "I initially bought this for my fiancé to carry with him on the golf course, as his battery is ALWAYS dying. This small portable charger allows up to THREE FULL charges with battery percent on 5%. I love that it doesn't have any wires and plugs right into your phone; you can put your phone in your pocket or bag and charge on the go. With this portable charger, you will never have a dead phone battery." —Kristina Michelle

Get it from Amazon for $23.99+ (available in five colors). 

9. And a compact, all-in-one international travel adapter so you don't have to buy or bring separate adapters when you travel outside of the country. It comes with two USB-A outlets, two sockets, and a built in USC-C cable — what more do you need?!

It comes with six types of international plugs that you can swap out depending on what part of the world you travel to! 

Promising review: "There were a lot of products to choose from when purchasing universal kits. I very glad I chose this one! The plugs were packaged very well, and they are very well made. It was easy to see which one I needed for England, so I only took the England adapter with the universal holder. I was able to put both in the bag they supplied and carried the bag in my purse wherever we went. The adapter had plenty of plugs and phone chargers that this universal adapter was all that I needed. Now, I put everything back in the box and stored everything away with my traveling stuff for my next trip." —Kimber

Get it from Amazon for $34.99

10. hands-free (rotating!) phone mount to watch your downloaded movies or shows on your phone instead of lugging that big ol' laptop around. You can mount it onto the seat-back tray or even your carry-on when you arrive at the gate two hours early and need some entertainment. 


Perilogics is a small business creating hyper-functional tool holsters and bags for carrying your stuff on the go.  

Promising review: "I bought this nifty gadget about six months ago for a multi-leg, ultra long haul trip and it more than held up the entire duration. I was able to finagle it to fit the tray tables on different planes and like others, I find the height just nice when clamped onto a stowed tray table. It also works on my roller carry-on handle during layovers. However, I find myself using it a lot outside of travel too! Work-wise, I've clamped it onto my office desk shelving to hold my phone at eye level beside my computer. At home, I simply clamped it to a deck of cards and it turns into a versatile stand that I can place on any flat surface. Heck, I've been using it to hold my phone comfortably at eye level while watching videos in bed. It's extremely well-built and I find myself fidgeting with it all the time. Thus far it still feels solid and I don't anticipate breaking it any time soon. Even if it does break, I'll be happy to buy another one or two of it!" —Earendil

Get it from Amazon for $13.97+ (available in five colors and in multipacks). 

11. A refillable travel perfume atomizer so you can bring your fave scents with you without having to stress if your large fragrance bottle is going to make it through TSA. Just take the lid of the perfume nozzle off and put the atomizer on top and press down — voila, the perfect amount you need for your travels!

Elizabeth Lilly / BuzzFeed, Amazon

Using the atomizer is easy: Simply unscrew the cap to your perfume bottle, place the perfume nozzle into the hole at the bottom of the atomizer, and pump the perfume inside.

BuzzFeed Shopping editor Elizabeth Lilly says, "That's me [above] pumping my signature perfume into one of these travel atomizers I've been using for about a year. It's great to just throw in your purse on the reg for a fragrance re-up throughout the day. As you can see, it's about the size of my thumb and therefore takes up very little room. Plus! It's smaller than most rollerball travel fragrances you can pick up. This first one is working so well that I just have the other three in storage. But if this one bites the dust, I'll be OK about digging into my stores to use one of the remaining three...especially at this price point."

Promising review: "These things are perfect! Easy to use. It's a great size for traveling and didn’t change the smell of my perfumes!"—BMF722

Get a pack of four from Amazon for $6.99.

12. A 16-piece travel toiletries set because hotel toiletries just don't compare to your tried-and-true products. Every bottle is TSA-friendly, so just fill each of these babies up with your hair or skincare essentials, and you're ready to go!

You'll get four bottles, two jars, two spray bottles, two scoopers (to help transfer creams), one funnel (to help transfer liquids), one cleaning brush, a page of labels, and a bag that fits all the containers.  

Promising review: "I’ve purchased a lot of different travel sets for my toiletries over the years. Inevitably, they are hard to fill and tend to leak. This set was magic! The wide mouth made it easy to fill from a larger bottle, and the little scoops made transferring creams to the jar containers very easy and with much less mess. The only con (hardly worth mentioning) is that once you squeeze the bottle, it takes a few minutes to expand with air again, so the sides are a bit sunken. I solved that by unscrewing the top just a bit for a quick release of the vacuum pressure. I had no leaks, and plenty of containers for every toiletry." —MDC

Get it from Amazon for $8.49+ (available in eight styles). 

13. A packing checklist so you can travel worry-free because you know you packed all the essentials — and nothing more, because packing stuff you don't need will only take up precious extra space in your bag.


Promising review: "We travel frequently and have two children. As any parent knows, packing for yourself and your children can be overwhelming (especially for a trip longer than a few days). I have found this list to be a lifesaver and I also give it as a gift for other traveling families. It is easy to plan, organize, and list out items that are easily forgotten. You can also list the quantity of each item needed. It has a variety of clothing options and space to add more. Overall, wonderful purchase and has likely saved me many forgotten items!" —I-really-bought-this

Get it from Amazon for $7+ (available in three colors and a roadtrip option). 

14. An ultra-supportive neck pillow if you find yourself dozing off on a complete stranger's shoulder way too often. 😳 This will prevent your head from rolling down so you won't wake up with a crick in your neck or drool on your neighbor's shirt. Plus, it'll take up way less space in your carry-on compared to those bulky U-shaped pillows.

Promising review: "I am a terrible flyer who recently took the red-eye from Dubai to Chicago (15 hours). The Trtl Pillow was a mini lifesaver! I was able to comfortably rest my head on the support and felt warm enough to actually doze off...a rare accomplishment for this skittish flyer. The Velcro works wonderfully with regards to adjustment, and I liked wrapping the fabric around my mouth and nose. Sort of felt cozy...even if I did look like a ninja in a neck brace! Overall, this product has changed the way that I fly, and I am so thankful for this invention and the opportunity to support a small company with big ideas." —S.Viruly

Get it from Amazon for $64.99+ (available in five colors and a breathable style).

15. Or an inflatable wedge pillow so you can sleep comfortably without putting your head or arms in an awkward position. Just slide your arms through the bottom and rest your head on top to get some z's on the plane. Plus, if you're catching a waaay too early morning flight, you can continue sleeping at the terminal. Once deflated, it fits in a lil' carry bag for easy transport!

Can't sleep while traveling? No worries, because this gem also doubles up as a back rest for optimal comfort.

Promising reviews: "Just received this and so far so good! Inflates within mere seconds and the same to deflate. Seems really supportive and comfortable." —Katelyn

"Used this on four international flights last month, and it made all the difference in the world. It's compact, quick and easy to inflate/deflate, very versatile in how you can position it, and it doesn't rely on the tray table. I can very comfortably lean forward in my seat and sleep almost like I can in a bed." —Still Chilly in Colorado

Get it from Amazon for $24.99.

16. Or!!! A stuffable travel luggage pillow if you want to bring those extra clothes that your carry-on refused to fit. You can just shove your clothes into this, um, bag? pillow? both? and use it as a neck pillow so you can use your personal bag for other things. We love a loophole. 

Tube is a small business that specializes in uniquely-designed storage travel pillows. 

Promising review: "I bought this looking to both save space and gain comfort for those long airplane rides. I was pleasantly surprised that they worked so well and fit so much into them while not sacrificing baggage space. I could fit at least a full day's worth of clothes in it. Also works well if you have one of those backpacks with the attachment clip and loop system as you can use this as a strap to avoid purchasing another carry-on bag from airlines." —Victor Tolentino

Get it from Amazon for $49.95.

17. A carry-on friendly travel Gillette Venus razor because bringing a full razor means extra space being taken up. It comes with a travel case, a teeny-tiny handle, and avocado oil–infused lubrication!

It comes with one handle and one blade refill! The handle will fit any Venus blade refill.

Promising review: "I got this for a vacation, and it was great! The little carrying container is awesome and keeps you from having a weird, loose razor floating around in your suitcase. Plus, the heads are the same as a regular-sized razor, so you can keep using it when that one is worn out!" —Tegan H

Get it from Amazon for $9.99.

18. An Alleyoop multitasking brush so you can bring along a makeup sponge, an eyeshadow brush, a brow and eyeliner brush, and blush and bronzer brush without having to sacrifice much space — how can we say no to a 4-in-1 product? 

Alleyoop is a woman-owned business that creates compact beauty products that typically have several functions.

Promising reviews: "This is one of my best travel buys. I like the sturdy feel but really like the conversion to different brushes. No searching, no extra space. Pricey, but worth it if you travel, have small space, or misplace items." —Diana Hefter

"I absolutely love this travel makeup brush and sponge combo! It's so convenient for when I'm on the go and need to touch up my makeup. The bristles are soft and the sponge is great for blending. Plus, it's compact and fits perfectly in my purse. I highly recommend it!" —Mary G. Murphy

Get it from Amazon for $25 (available in two styles).

19. A compact, carry-on-friendly portable espresso maker if you're one of those people who *need* coffee to survive — can't say no to a cup of joe! You can use Nespresso pods with it, and it's 100% hand-operated, meaning you don't need batteries or electricity. 

Promising review: "The best thing for traveling ever!! I have to have espresso every morning and most small hotels and gas stations don't have espresso coffee so this is perfect! Easy to use. The cleaning takes 30 seconds; just rinse with water and let it dry." —Joanna Verdeja

Get it from Amazon for $54.90.

20. A Dagne Dover carryall duffle bag that's practicality at its finest. It'll keep your laptop safe with its padded pocket, your dirty clothes separated from the clean ones, and so much more! It even comes with a sleeve on the outside to strap it onto your luggage handle. But wait, I haven't even gotten to the best part yet — it fits *perfectly* under the airplane seat! 

Emma McAnaw / BuzzFeed

BuzzFeed Shopping editor Emma McAnaw owns this very bag and raves about it: "I use this every time I travel — and I never, I mean NEVER, check bags. I even took this with me to Amsterdam and easily packed about four sweaters, DOC MARTENS, and all my undies and toiletries. To be fair, I wore the same pants for four days (I am cheap, guys), but I never felt like I needed more space. And yes — even Spirit lets me take this."

Promising review: "LOVE this bag!! It's the perfect size for me. Fits perfectly under an airplane seat and has ample room for all my carry-on stuff/ simple weekend getaway. I also love how it slides onto my roller bag. Did I mention that I get LOTS of compliments on it, too??" —ChicagoJM

Get it from Nordstrom for $215 (available in four colors).

21. Or a rolling carry-on suitcase if you can't fathom carrying anything heavy through the airport. This isn't your typical suitcase — this bb literally has it all, including a cupholder, a phone stand, and both USB-A and USB-C ports. You can either open it from the middle or from the top, and it'll hold everything you need. I'm talking benefits on top of benefits here! 

I don't mean to bombard you with more info, BUT it also has separated wet and dry storage areas, 360-degree wheels, and a double aluminum frame so all your precious cargo stays safe. Plus, the phone holder doubles as hooks so you can hang all your airport shopping bags too!

Promising review: "I absolutely love this hard side carry on suitcase! It holds so much more than you would expect. The fact that it opens on top and not in half makes it so easier to keep it organized and not drop everything out of it when opened. The wheels roll with ease. The handle is sturdy and adjusts to the perfect height. The cupholder is handy when waiting to catch your flight and need to free your hands. You can also charge your phone or device from the outside of your luggage. What more do you need in a suitcase? Worth every penny!" —Amazon Customer

Get it from Amazon for $189.99+ (available in five colors and three sizes). 

22. And a lightweight backpack you could totally use as your personal item because it fits perfectly under any airplane seat. It has a wet section, a shoe compartment, an anti-theft zipper pocket, and a laptop sleeve. Oh, and here's the kicker: It's waterproof *AND* has a built-in charging port!

You still need to connect a power bank to the inside to use the charging port, but reviewers still love it because it's easily accessible!

Promising review: "I have sent the link for this bag to so many loved ones because it has changed the way I’ve traveled. I have always been the over packers having to pay excess weight fees on my luggage. Since using this bag I have been able to cut down to a carry-on and personal item most trips. Come the end of this year, my husband and I will have been on eight trips. This bag has been with us for half of them. I use it as my personal item and easily pack shoes, a large cosmetic bag, hair tools, clothes, a steamer, snacks, chargers, and other small items — it holds so much. The cream color is very stylish and it is easy to clean. I cannot explain enough how much I love it." —Mads

Get it from Amazon for $36.99+ (available in three styles, two sizes, and 42 colors).

23. A collapsible water bottle because hydration is important, but so is precious carry-on space. When you pull this out of a packed bag, you'll feel like a modern-day Mary Poppins.

Promising review: "Bought three of these for our summer European vacation. Lightweight and easy to pack into a small crossbody bag, latch on to a belt bag easily too. We took these with us everywhere! Filled in the airport for use on the plane. Put in the freezer overnight to freeze the water for use during the hot summer days in Italy. Great for use with the Italian Nasone (Little Fountains) where you can fill up water bottles with very cold water throughout the Italian cities. Was a must have in Rome! I washed them well upon receiving, and they no longer had the plastic smell and never tasted bad at after the initial washing." —M. Michael

Get it from Amazon for $6.99+ (available in four colors and two sizes).

24. And a reusable collapsible coffee cup that is so slim and compact and definitely weighs a lot less than your stainless-steel tumbler. It's perfect if you don't want to spend $$$ at a cafe but *must* have coffee to kickstart your mornings while on vacay. 

It's also microwave-safe! Note that the 12-ounce size does not include a straw, but both the 16-ounce and 24-ounce sizes do.

Stojo is a small biz founded by three New York dads who wanted a better way to get their convenient coffee fix without all the waste. Now they make stylish collapsible essentials in a variety of sizes and colors, including bottles and food storage containers.

BuzzFeed Shopping editor Danielle Healy has this cup and loves it: "This is one of the first zero-waste swaps I made and I've never looked back. If you buy to-go coffee – whether you're jet-setting or just grabbing a mid-day pick-me-up — this cup is a must-have. So long as you remember to bring it, it's all the convenience of to-go coffee with none of the waste. It's leakproof and, when you're all done, it collapses down teeny tiny and can be tossed back in your bag. Oh! And it comes with a straw, so all you iced coffee lovers can get in on the action, too."

Get it from Amazon for $14.95+ (available in four sizes and in 24 colors).

25. A Hairbrella if you've been planning your Hawaii trip for months, but to your dismay, the forecast calls for a storm all week. With this satin-lined cap, the weather won't be raining on *your* parade because it'll protect your hair without drying it out or creating frizz! It folds up tightly, and it sure beats having to pack an umbrella. 

Hairbrella is a Black-owned small business that specializes in hats that protect hair from all kinds of weather. 

Promising review: "I love this rain hat. It provides full hair coverage and visibility in a downpour. It also can be folded and easy to fit in a purse or luggage. The adjustable strap makes it perfect for a variety of head sizes and hair lengths. This is definitely a great product." —Nancy O'neal

Get it from Amazon for $44+ (available in eight colors).

26. A plush microfiber makeup-removing cloth that's cheaper than the famous MakeUp Eraser but works *exactly* the same: by removing ALL makeup (yes, even waterproof mascara) with just water. WATER. Who needs that enormous bottle of micellar water? Not you!

Promising review: "This is incredible! I can't believe how well this works! I travel a lot for work and usually take makeup remover wipes because of the liquid restrictions for travel, but they are expensive and heavy. I have been using this cloth all week and LOVE IT! A bit of warm water and everything comes off in a few easy swipes. I am super excited to travel with this. It weighs nothing and rolls up to take very little space. I am ordering another for my mom who also travels. Highly recommend!" —KT

Get it from Amazon for $6.99 (available in four colors).

27. A lightweight money belt because if you're going to bring a belt, it should be this one — it'll save you from bringing a chunky wallet or purse *and* looks super stylish. It has a hidden zip-up pocket so you can keep your bills tucked away. There will be NO pickpocketing on this trip!


Promising review: "Wore this belt on a recent 10-day trip, with several hundred dollars neatly folded in its full-length zippered pocket. The bills (USD) had to be folded lengthwise, in thirds, and for practical reasons, in stacks of 4–5 (or less). My belt had room for four such stacks, so theoretically $2,000 could be comfortably carried in complete concealment. The nylon buckle was perfectly adequate for its purpose, and nothing about the belt would indicate its hidden purpose. Well worth it." —Tony B.

Get it from Amazon for $17.99+ (available for pant sizes 20"–50" and in six styles). 

28. A water-resistant Neutrogena SPF 50 face and body stick sunscreen that'll have you sauntering through security knowing your bag will not be pulled aside because it's solid and TSA-approved! 


BuzzFeed Shopping editor Elizabeth Lilly brought this on an international trip and loved it: "I first bought this for a weeklong Croatian vacation last year when I did carry-on, and as long as you are *thoroughly* reapplying, this stuff stays on pretty well. On a beach club afternoon, I did haphazardly reapply and missed a strip on one arm, but I tend to do that with spray-on or lotion sunscreen, too. Since then, I've packed this for any trip I've been on, including a two-day Disneyland trip where I toted this around in my bag and shared with friends. I sometimes carry it with me in my purse on my everyday adventures because I know it's so easy to apply. Also worth mentioning...I am about the palest lady you've ever seen and swear by daily application of sunscreen. But when on a beach trip, I'm constantly swimming in the water and sweating. So yeah, this stuff works. And if you're a bit hesitant about jumping on the solid sunscreen bandwagon, you can pack a stick of this, knowing you have enough sun protection to get you through to finding some spray-on or lotion SPF at your destination."

Get it from Amazon for $9.88.

Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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