The sun is shinning down brighter, flowers all over are showing their colors, pollinators are moving in full swing, and school graduations are happening across the nation. It’s sweet summertime! Summer marks so many things, with one of the biggest benign vacation season! Folks all over have plans booked, traveling near and far to enjoy their summer poolside, lakeside, beachside, and woods side.

Vacations are meant to be relaxing, where you can unwind, de-stress, and drink endless margs without question, but one thing is for sure the traveling portion of vacations always seems like a stress inducing, unorganized tasks. Well right now Hobby Lobby is selling the most perfect travel accessories, guaranteed to make your experience much smoother- and stylish! Check them out below!

Okay, these are some of the cutest finds we have ever seen… I mean can you say style?

How To Keep Houseplants Watered While Traveling

Leaving the house for a vacation is all fun and what not but us plant moms and plant dads get a little stressed out at the thought of leaving our babies alone for weeks on end. What if one gets knocked over, another gets a bad case of spider mites, what if the curtain falls down and blocks the sunlight? And the day old question, how will I keep them watered?

No more budgeting to hire someone to come check on your plants while out of town, just grab yourself a used plastic bottle and a cotton swab.

To make the plant waterer, you first poke a hole into the plastic cap that's skewed onto the plastic drink bottle. Open the cap, fill it with water and place the cap back on. Next you slide a cotton swab through the hole in the cab so it sticks half in, and half out. Tape a thick skewer or chopstick around the plastic bottle. Flip the bottle upside down and dig the support stake into the dirt with the cotton swab just hovering above the soil. The water slowly drips from the cotton swab and keeps the plant watered.

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